
28 November 2011 | Tennis Victoria

Congratulations to the following Victorians who are finalists for various awards at the second Australian Tennis Awards which will be announced on Monday 5 December. We wish all the finalists the best of luck:

2011 Newcombe Medal, Australian Tennis Awards
Newcombe Medal
  • Jarmila Gajdosova
Coaching Excellence – Club
  • Peter Lumsden
  • Peter Owen
 Coaching Excellence – MLC Tennis Hot Shots
  • Danielle Borle
  • Wesley Horskins
Excellence in Officiating
  • Tom Sweeney 
Most Outstanding 35+ Senior
  • Glenn Busby 
  • Andrew Rae 
Most Outstanding Tennis Club
  • Geelong Lawn Tennis Club 
  • Sale Tennis Club
Most Outstanding Tennis Community
  • Barwon Region
  • Bendigo Tennis Association 
Most Outstanding School
  • Middle Years Tennis School at Box Hill Secondary College
  • Yarra Valley Grammar School
Volunteer Achievement Award
  • Tom Hancy

More information about the Australian Tennis Awards