
7 December 2011 | Tennis Victoria

Eight of Victoria’s largest tennis clubs are currently involved in the Regional Partnerships Program, which involves Tennis Victoria and Tennis Australia partnering with clubs based at large facilities to develop and grow tennis in each club’s region.

The partnership covers areas such as facility development, strategic planning, promotion, council relationship building, programs, tournaments and events. Clubs of all shapes and sizes are important to Tennis Victoria, with each Regional Partner asked to be proactive in developing tennis on behalf of their region.

The program is still in its infancy and, as a way of gaining feedback, Tennis Victoria recently conducted a Regional Partners forum. The forum allowed some of Victorias top tennis administrators to share their strengths, weaknesses and opportunities to grow tennis.

Ken Barton from Geelong Lawn Tennis Club participated on the day.

“It was a great opportunity to listen to, and share ideas with other Regional Partners, as well as better understand the program from Tennis Victoria’s and Tennis Australia’s perspectives,” said Barton.”

“We have only been a Regional Partner since June this year, but are looking forward to working with the Barwon Region Tennis Council, and local clubs and associations to increase tennis participation in our region. 

“Already the program is bearing fruit, with Tennis Australia and local councils committing significant funding to a regional tennis strategy, which Tennis Victoria will facilitate.”

To celebrate Geelong Lawn Tennis Club joining the Regional Partnerships Program, a launch was staged on Sunday 16 October with some great Premier League tennis being viewed on court.

If your club committee is interested, or has questions regarding the Regional Partnerships Program, please contact Simon Thompson (Infrastructure and Environment Manager) on (03) 8420 8420.