
19 January 2012 | Tennis Victoria

Victorian tennis is changing and, today, Tennis Victoria (TV) hosted a number of unaffiliated clubs at a special presentation to invite them to ‘come along for the ride’.

As the State Sporting Association responsible for tennis in Victoria, TV has a very big advocacy role to play with state and local government when it comes to anything from program funding to facility planning and developments, especially for growth areas.  It is a competitive market-place and there is no doubt that we are and will be stronger together; and thus better placed to compete. 

“With this is mind, we felt it was important to engage with unaffiliated clubs and bodies,” said Matthew Kennedy, Tennis Victoria’s Executive Director.

With host Gerard Whateley and special guest Pat Cash in attendance, the morning gave Tennis Victoria an opportunity to present the clubs in attendance with some information regarding tennis’s stretegic visions and the benefits of affiliation.

In addition, all Community Tennis Officers were in attendance to answer clubs’ questions.