
17 January 2013 | Tennis Victoria

Every year, Tennis Victoria takes a group of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities to the Australian Open, giving them a rare opportunity to experience live tennis.

The visit was run by Tennis Victoria in partnership with SpiritWest Services (Western Bulldogs), Brimbank City Council, Sunshine Park Tennis Club and Albion Tennis Club.

Over 200 participants received a ground pass to Australian Open 2013 on Wednesday 16 and Thursday 17 of January, soaking up the sun and catching some world-class tennis.  They were also taken on a tour of Melbourne Park by head coach of the Sunshine Park Tennis Club, Craig Vaughan.

Tennis Victoria’s Chris Saliba said he was thrilled with the outcome of both days.

“It was great to see the excitement on everyone’s faces as they entered Melbourne Park,” said Saliba.

“For many, this was their first experience with the Australian Open and by giving them this opportunity hopefully it will lead to a love of tennis for the rest of their lives.

“The Australian Open Experience Program is one way we are looking to engage with newly arrived and CALD communities to introduce them to tennis. Many great partnerships have been formed to make these programs happen so I would like to thank VicHealth, SpiritWest Services, Brimbank City Council and Sunshine Park Tennis Club for their ongoing help and support.”

The participants came from came from a range of different backgrounds, including  Adult Multicultural Education Service and Western English Language Schools, the Burmese Tennis Program at Sunshine Park Tennis Club and the Burmese Tennis Program at Albion Tennis Club.

These programs run as a part of Tennis Victoria’s ACE Program, if you would like more information on the program, please visit our website.

Visit our Facebook page for photos of the second day.