
12 February 2013 | Tennis Victoria

Described by his coach as a “dream pupil”, Alex Bulte (Devon Meadows) has captured the attention of more than just his coach over the last few months.

Bulte, the third ranked player in Victoria for the 2002 birth year, turns 11 in May but that hasn’t halted the youngster from pursuing his passion for tennis, he currently trains or plays five days a week.

“Alex is a dream pupil, he’s engaged, consistently hard working and self-motivated,” said Bulte’s coach Tum Rakete.

“His overarching strength is he is an amazing athlete. He’s light, agile and very fast.

“I’m trying to teach him to capitalise on that by being early to the ball and to initiate the attack.”

Bulte is taking small steps in his tennis career, listing one of his main goals to play in a National event, something he will achieve at the upcoming Optus 12s National Grasscourt Championships in Mildura where he has received a wildcard.

In January, he led the Victorian Super 10s team (David Qariaqus, Enzo Aguiard, Jarryd Wildsmith) to victory in the National Finals held at Melbourne Park during the second week of the Australian Open.  Bulte was promoted to the No.1 player for the Victorian team on the back of a solid first round performance and didn’t disappoint, only losing one match for the remainder of the tournament.

Bulte said the tournament was “lots of fun” and that he thrived in the team environment.

“I like playing in a team … I knew them (his team mates) before,” said Bulte.

When asked about his favourite tennis player, he showed little hesitation in naming Rafael Nadal.

“I like his fighting, how he fights for every ball,” said Bulte.