
12 March 2013 | Tennis Victoria

Australian tennis legend Evonne Goolagong Cawley will be taking to the road in March hosting a series of Learn Earn Legend! Tennis Come and Try Days for young Indigenous Australians in country Victoria.

There will be a Tennis Come and Try Day for Indigenous girls and boys aged five – 15 years at Warnambool Lawn Tennis Club (22 March), Bairsndale Tennis Club (25 March), Sale Tennis Club (24 March), McEwen Reserve Tennis Club (17 March) and Swan Hill Lawn Tennis Club (20 March).

Each clinic is designed to encourage young Indigenous Australians to pick up a racquet and give tennis a real go.

The Learn Earn Legend! program is designed to “support young Indigenous Australians to stay at school, get that job and be a legend for themselves, their family and their community.”

Goolagong Cawley will be conducting the days along with National Indigenous Coach Ian Goolagong and will be on the lookout for kids who display enthusiasm, determination and a willingness to improve. Some participants may be selected to receive equipment and coaching, membership or competition scholarships.

Learn more about the program here.