
25 October 2013 | Tennis Victoria

Before a packed gathering at the now iconic annual Eastern Region Tennis Association’s “President’s Dinner”, long-standing tennis volunteer, Anne Hubbard, was recognised for her 55 years of Volunteer Service to Tennis on Friday evening 18 October 2013.     Eastern Region (ERT) President Robert Jackson spoke of the enormous and selfless contribution that Anne has made over so many years and continues to do so today.   Anne was formally presented with a Tennis Service Award by Tennis Victoria Awards Director Anne Baldwin and Vice-President Maria Keys.

A summary of Anne’s wonderful achievements include  :

  • recently completing a 50 year consecutive record as the Junior Secretary/Convenor for Ringwood Uniting Tennis Club.     A remarkable achievement and one which may not / or will ever be, achieved by anyone else in Victorian Tennis, let alone within Australia;  
  • 55 years ago, Anne, originally from the Ringwood Scots TC proposed that the local Saturday Competition, namely Eastern Metropolitan Lawn TA, introduce a Ladies’ mid-week competition. This was formed and Anne became the first Secretary and Record Secretary;
  • 1963 – As the Mid-Week competition grew, the parent body, EMRLTA, decided that Ladies’ Competition form their own Committee but remain subject to the main body;
  • In 1975, Anne was honoured with Life Membership of the Association.;
  • Further, in recognition of her commitment to the Association, the Executive Committee introduced the Anne Hubbard Perpetual Trophy which is presented annually to the club whose overall performance over the Winter and Summer seasons is the best;
  • In 1982, the Mid-Week competition became completely autonomous and became known as Midweek Eastern Metropolitan Region Ladies’ Tennis Association—M.E.M.R.L.T.A. Inc;
  • Junior Shell Squad Co-ordinator from EMRLTA ( prior to their amalgamation into ERT) some 24-25 years ago; and
  • Ringwood Uniting Church Tennis Club milestones :
    • President                                       17 years         
    • Vice President                               4 years                       
    • Secretary                                       5 years                       
    • Committee                                    9  years          
    • Selection  Committee                   23 years         
    • Junior Convenor                            33 years                     

Anne is a true Legend of the Club, having spent a lifetime as a Volunteer contributing tirelessly to this wonderful game of tennis; as an unsung hero – until now.  Congratulations Anne.

Another highlight of the Night was Guest Speaker, Tennis Legend Judy Dalton  reminiscing over many humourous tales of on-tour antics as well as enlightening the gathering with an insight into life on the tour in the earlier days of the Professional Womens Circuit ; and the different challenges and demands that face the current pro-circuit player today.  Other attendees included the likes of Ian Barclay & Kevin Bolton, Presidents of ERT Clubs & their guests, ERT Shield Winners (both Senior and Junior) as well as TV Metro Associations Director Peter Cuxson, CEO Matthew Kennedy, Executive Manager Belinda Kleverlaan and Past Vice President Geoff Stone.    What a wonderful night for Tennis.