
6 December 2013 | Tennis Victoria

Congratulations to Kyneton and District Tennis Club coach, Marcus Wills who has won the Victorian Sport and Recreation Minister’s Award.

Announced on Wednesday night at the MCG, Wills was given with top honours taking home the major award of the evening.

Presented by Minister for Sport and Recreation, The Hon. Hugh Delahunty said “I am honoured to present the 2013 Minister’s Award to Marcus Wills for his outstanding dedication to the sport of tennis and his local community over the last 20 years.”

After playing State Grade tennis in Melbourne, Marcus returned to Kyneton to mentor the next generation of tennis coaches and players. When he arrived in Kyneton 18 months ago there were 9 children enrolled in the tennis programs. Now, as a result of his hard work there are nearly 100 children playing and learning tennis on a regular basis.

Recognising the great work by Mr Wills, the Minister said “The flow-on effects for the local community have been phenomenal, with schools and community members becoming involved in the Kyneton club through fundraising, community events or participation in the programs Marcus has worked hard to develop.”

Kyneton and District Tennis Club President, Simon Meadows said “The Minister’s award is a great acknowledgement and recognition of the great achievements of Marcus, but also highlight that the club, and the alignment with Tennis Victoria and their fantastic programs and support are having a positive impact in sport and the community.”

Speaking on SEN the following day, Mr Wills said “I’m from the area and I came back a couple of years ago. When I was a kid every tennis court was being used and it’s a great facility here but no one was using the courts. We started with programs on one day a week and it’s just grown from there. Sport brings everyone together, it’s pivotal in these country areas.”

Also involved in Maribyrnong Park TC, Marcus has liaised between Maribyrnong Park TC and Kyneton using the Tennis Victoria programs including MLC Tennis Hot Shots in Schools to get the kids involved.

Marcus Wills received an engraved glass trophy and $5000.