
29 October 2015 | Tennis Victoria

At 90 years of age, Bill Collins has seen the game of tennis change in more ways than most. And as the Highmoor Uniting Tennis Club celebrated their 50th anniversary, Mr. Collins was recognised for his outstanding contribution to the sport through his tireless dedication to the club.

Tennis Victoria honoured Mr. Collins, by presenting him with a Highly Commended Tennis Service Award at a special function to celebrate the club’s achievements over the decades.

A founding father of the Highmoor Uniting Tennis Club in 1965 alongside the late Bob Hooppell and the late Bruce Kentish, Mr. Collins was instrumental in negotiating for the City of Kingston (formerly Moorabbin Council) to provide land for the club, and subsequently gaining finance to enable courts to be constructed.

“Bill continues to be a passionate member of Highmoor, and remains a very popular and well-loved ‘fixture’ at all club functions,” said Highmoor Uniting Tennis Club President Maurice Pattison.

“Multiple generations of Bill’s large, extended family are prominent in the register of Highmoor members as part of the ongoing legacy that Bill has given the club.”

In the 1960s and ‘70s, sporting clubs did not have a legal presence and as a result, were unable to obtain bank loans. It was Mr. Collins who established and administered (and then ultimately wound up) the Highmoor Uniting Tennis Club’s Co-operative, which formed to act as a Guarantor for the loan.

Setting up the Co-operative also involved convincing Highmoor members to be shareholders, with Mr. Collins continuing to administer, maintain the books, act as the Co-op secretary and complete all Co-op filings for decades.

Mr. Collins has held various executive and committee roles across the club’s rich history, including 19 years as President (1979 to 2001), 43 years on the Management Committee, and 23 years as Auditor of the club’s finances.

The Award was presented to Mr. Collins by Tennis Victoria Board Director Ms. Anne Baldwin, in conjunction with the club’s 50-year Anniversary recognition certificate.

“This Club embraces a strong culture and spirit of friendship and family, combining with a soundly managed and enthusiastic Committee that ticks all the right boxes. Congratulations to Bill and the Highmoor Uniting Tennis Club,” said Ms. Baldwin.

The Highmoor Uniting Tennis Club was founded as the Highett and Moorabbin Presbyterian Tennis Club in October 1965. Many changes have occurred during the last 50 years, including some name changes and a formal separation from the Uniting Church.

The Club remains vibrant and has recently engaged with the Kingston Council and Sport and Recreation Victoria in projects to provide a major upgrade to the Club pavilion and the installation of night tennis lights onto three of its tennis courts. For more information on the Highmoor Uniting Tennis Club, visit their website.

Highly Commended Tennis Service Awards are presented to five recipients each year, to those who have demonstrated their contribution to the sport of tennis through devoted and significant service to any one or more of Tennis Victoria’s affiliated tennis clubs and/or associations and/or member organisations.

To nominate someone from your club or association for an award click here.