
30 October 2015 | Tennis Victoria

Clubs now have extra incentive to become a registered National FAST4 Tennis deliverer for Term 1, 2016.

Tennis Victoria is offering the first 50 registered deliverers a $200 bonus to be used for their FAST4 Tennis launch event.

Further to this, Tennis Victoria will also be providing money can’t buy experiences for the top 10 state wide FAST4 Tennis venues.

The top 10 venues, based on most number of participants over Term 1 2016, will have teams invited to play in an end of season celebration event held at the National Tennis Centre Indoor Courts in May.

Top ten deliverers (based on the most number of participants over the calendar year) will be given the opportunity to network with other venue deliverers and tennis professionals at the 2017 Priceline Pharmacy Kooyong Classic corporate hospitality.

FAST4 Tennis is an exciting new national competition product, targeting new players and lapsed players with social doubles,” said Tennis Victoria Competitions Manager Jeff Downes.

“These benefits are designed to assist our registered deliverers with launching their FAST4 Tennis league and to also recognise and reward the success stories of our top ten venues.”

“With its set start and finish time, 90 minute matches, set venue, music and fun team environment, FAST4 Tennis positions itself as an attractive brand in the changing recreational sporting market.”

Learn more about the FAST4 Tennis rewards here. To register as a player or team in a competition, or sign up your club as a deliverer click here.