
19 February 2016 | Tennis Victoria

In the first Regional Teams Event of the year, it was Central Gippsland1 who came out on top, defending their title and defeating teammates Central Gippsland2 in the renamed 17/u Minter/McNamee Cup.

The event was recently been renamed in recognition of the outstanding achievements and contribution to junior tennis of Ms Anne Minter and Mr Paul McNamee.

Held at Melbourne Park on the 13 and 14 February, the event saw teams from all 11 Victorian Country Regions competing.

Players were treated to a special talk from Mr McNamee while Ms Minter was on hand to present with the winners trophy on Sunday. Tennis Australia’s Coach Development Coordinator Patrick presented to the group on coaching courses available in regional Victoria before guiding a tour of the infamous Melbourne Park.

Full round results can be found online at by searching 2016 Tennis Victoria Minter McNamee Cup.

For further information on available coaching course please click here.

Tennis Victoria’s prestigious Regional Team Events showcase emerging junior talent and provides players with the opportunity to represent their region in a team environment.


1st-2nd Playoff – Central Gippsland1 5-35 def Central Gippsland2 1-13
3rd- 4th Playoff – South West 3-26 (22) def Barwon 3-26 (21)
5th – 6th Playoff – Northern Mallee 3-28 def North East 3-24
7th – 8th Playoff – Mornington Peninsula 3-30 def Loddon Campaspe 3-23
9th – 10th Playoff – Goulburn 2-27 def Central Highlands 2-18
11th – 12th Playoff – Wimmera 3-25 def East Gippsland 3-22


  1. Central Gippsland1
  2. Central Gippsland2
  3. South West
  4. Barwon
  5. Northern Mallee
  6. North East
  7. Mornington Peninsula
  8. Loddon Campaspe
  9. Goulburn
  10. Central Highlands
  11. Wimmera
  12. East Gippsland
Central Gippsland 1 Central Gippsland 2
Team Manager: Graham Charlton Team Manager: Graham Charlton
Josh Charlton (Traralgon) Justin Hough (Traralgon)
Jack Clements  (Inverloch) Aaron Valenzuela (Traralgon)
Ksenija Varesanovic (Moe) Jemma Ashe (Newborough)
Kristen Antonopoulos (Traralgon) Ella Keating (Traralgon)