
7 September 2016 | Tennis Victoria

Names: James Robortella & Ash Misevski

What is your role at Tennis Victoria?

J: Programs Coordinator – Get Into Cardio Tennis.

A: Programs Administrator – Get Into Cardio Tennis.

Best thing about the role:

J: I get to work on a program that has a real impact on people’s lives, also getting to wear runners and shorts to work is handy.

A: Meeting new people within the industry and having the opportunity to work alongside with people that have a great passion for Tennis or Sports.

Previous employment:

J: Health & Wellness Coordinator at Hawthorn Aquatic & Leisure Centre, YMCA

A: I had 3 job previous to this job now. I had two coaching jobs at Plenty Tennis Club and United Church Tennis Club Diamond Creek and I am still currently working at Rebel Sport in Greensborough casually.

How long have you been at Tennis Victoria:

J: Just over a month!

A: I have worked previously for Tennis Victoria in 2015 and 2016 as a student placement which gave me a future goal to be working within the industry. I officially started full time work here in August.

What are your interests outside of Tennis Victoria:

J: All sports, going to the races and backing winners, crossfit, coffee, bacon and eggs, burgers to name a few.

A: My interest outside of the office is playing tennis as much as I can. I also enjoy catching up with friends and having a bit a fun.

Favourite tennis player/sporting athlete and why:

J: I do like the way Rafael Nadal goes about things. However from a non-tennis point of view my favourite athletes are: João Moreira aka “the Magician” – because he just finds a way to get his horse to win unlike any other jockey in the world and also Dustin Fletcher – just amazing how he was able to play for so long and match up against different opponents.

A: My favourite Tennis player is Serena Williams because she has achieved some much in her career being at a young age, which aspires me to push myself to achieve my future goals.

Where has been the best place you’ve travelled, and why:

J: A few of the favourite events I have been to were Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany and Running with the Bulls in Pamplona, Spain. However one of my favourite places I have travelled to would be Cuba. I was lucky enough to go there in February this year and it was amazing just how different the way of life is there living in a communist controlled state.

A: About 6 years ago I went for a family holiday to Europe. We went to Italy, France and Spain. The best place we were able to visit was Venice. It was such as great experience considering when we had to catch a train to Florence early in the morning, we had severe high tides, and therefore all of Venice was flooded from about shin height.

What superhero power would you like:

J: Flying like Superman would be pretty sweet.

A: If I was a superhero my superpower would be to breath under water.

What is one interesting fact that no one else knows about you:

J: I try and put all the $5 notes in my wallet at the end of the day away in a box – pays for a holiday by the end of the year!

A: People may not realise that I wear my watches on my dominate hand.

If you were Prime Minister of Australia for one day, what would your first change be:

J: Good question, probably try and get more support to sport somehow and try to use sport to make people and the country better.

A: To legalise gay marriage.