
23 November 2016 | Tennis Victoria

The Yarrawonga Junior Challenge saw over 100 players from across Australia compete across the 12/u and 14/u age groups in the Bronze Level Australian Ranking Tournament across the weekend.

Hosted by the Yarrawonga Lawn Tennis Club, the event saw over 200 matches played across Saturday and Sunday with Victoria winning three of the six titles on offer. View event photos here.

After playing through hot and tough conditions for the majority of the tournament, play was abandoned due to a lightning and rain on Sunday afternoon.

Tennis Victoria Tournaments and Events Manager Andrew Reynolds was pleased to see players having travelled from interstate to play.

“It is fantastic to see 15% of players having travelled from interstate to compete on the wonderful Yarrawonga Grass courts,” said Reynolds.

“The courts played beautifully and am sure the players enjoyed the grass courts, many for the first time.

“Tennis Victoria would like to acknowledge the Yarrawonga Mulwala Tourist Board and the Yarrawonga Lawn Tennis Club for their efforts in making this tournament such a success.”

The Yarrawonga Junior Challenge is a part of the Yarrawonga Festival of Tennis.

The 2017 Yarrawonga Junior Challenge will again be in mid to late November and open to 12 and 14/U participants.



14 & U Girls Doubles

  1. Olivia Brown+Martine Carroll Queensland
  2. Chiara Antonacci+Jennifer Mcdonald Victoria

14 & U Girls Singles

  1. Olivia Brown Queensland
  2. Martine Carroll Queensland
    C-1 Isabella Davison Victoria
    C-2 Iva Pandurevic Victoria

14 & U Boys Singles

  1. Luke Vuletic Victoria
  2. Tait J Pascoe Victoria
    C-1 Marko Vanovac Victoria
    C-2 Daniel Lawrence Smith Victoria

12 & U Girls Doubles

  1. Piper Freeman+Andjelina Gnjidic New South Wales/Victoria
  2. Natalia Kowalczyk+Aahna Zala Victoria

12 & U Girls Singles

  1. Andjelina Gnjidic Victoria
  2. Madi Howell Victoria
    C-1 Jane Haeusler New South Wales
    C-2 Erin Maguire Victoria

12 & U Boys Singles

  1. Max Morton Victoria
  2. Alec Gaudin Victoria
    C-1 Dougall Tyrwhitt New South Wales
    C-2 Lachlan Setina Victoria