Name: Andrew Cronin
Title: Participation Leader – Country Central West
What is your role at Tennis Victoria: As per my Employment Agreement, LOL. To increase registered participation in this great game of tennis within my regions of Central Highlands and Wimmera.
Best thing about the role: Travelling and meeting everyone connected with tennis.
What was your previous role: Motel owner and operator in Ballarat
What are your interests outside of Tennis Victoria: Travelling around Australia, overseas, camping and 4WDriving, golf and trying to beat my son in table tennis – a very competitive young fella.
Favourite tennis player/sporting athlete and why: After meeting and chatting with Todd Woodbridge today in Bacchus Marsh, I would have to say him. He is a real gentlemen, nice to chat with and very open about his past success, which is enough to make you proud of our Australian sportsmen.
What is one interesting fact that no one else knows about you: My great grandfather was Roy Cazaly and my Nan used to watch him play and every time he went for a ‘specky’, she used to yell out “Up there Cazaly”. And later a song was recorded about that very saying.
If you were Prime Minister of Australia for one day, what would your first change be: To use everything within my power to prevent terrorism in our country so it remains a safe and enjoyable place to live.
If you had one super power for a day, what would it be? To know the next 6 weeks’ Tatts Lotto numbers in advance.