Name: Pete McDonald
Title: Participation Leader – Country South West
What is your role at Tennis Victoria: To be a resource to clubs, coaches and key stakeholders in the region with the aim to grow and develop tennis in a sustainable manner.
Best thing about the role: Travelling to the different clubs throughout the region, meeting people who are proud of their club and love their tennis and working with a great bunch of individuals. Seeing the diversity of this great sport from the worn out old courts in the middle of nowhere, to the world-class Melbourne Park, and everything in between.
What was your previous role: Worked at Geelong Lawn Tennis Club – also coached there. Prior to that, I owned an Aged Care Facility.
What are your interests outside of Tennis Victoria: Photography, travel, motorsport and a nice glass of red.
Favourite tennis player/sporting athlete and why: Novak Djokovic – mental toughness, court coverage, awesome kick serve. Interested to see what magic Andre Agassi can weave. Impressed with Alexander Zverev.
What is one interesting fact that no one else knows about you: I once played football for Geelong – the only touch I got was when I handed the ball to the umpire at half time! Too bad it was under 13s.
If you were Prime Minister of Australia for one day, what would your first change be: Resign …
If you had one super power for a day, what would it be: No need for sleep … image what you could do if you never had to sleep?