
3 July 2017 | Tennis Victoria

Tennis Victoria and Tennis Australia have a zero tolerance approach to any form of child-abuse and are committed to ensuring the sport of tennis provides a safe and friendly environment for children and young people.

Following a national review conducted by the Australian Childhood Foundation, resources have been made available here.

These resources will assist clubs, centres and associations to meet their legal obligations under Victorian Legislation, including the Child Safe Standards (effective from 1 January 2017) and changes to Working with Children Checks (effective from 1 August 2017).

A series of club workshops and online training have been designed to help you and your club meet its obligations under Safeguarding Children Guidelines. Clubs are strongly encouraged to have a committee member attend a workshop. Click here to register.

  • Thursday 23 November, 7pm                          Notting Hill-Pinewood TC
  • Monday 11 December, 7pm                              Mt Martha Community Centre
  • Wednesday 13 December, 7pm                    Moonee Valley Civic Centre (Committee Room)

Further forums are being planned across metropolitan and country Melbourne through to November. Details will be announced shortly.

The following support is now available:

  • An online form for lodging complaints
  • A 24-hour telephone reporting and assistance service enabling victims to get information and advice on what to do next. The number is 1800 11 SAFE (1800 117 233).

Please do not hesitate to contact your Participation Leader, or the Tennis Australia Integrity and Compliance Unit, via, should you require further assistance.