Edi Upper VIC 3678, Australia, 20 November 2018 | Gabriella Tobias

When June Uebergang moved to Edi Upper in 1970, she became actively involved and a driving force in the Edi Upper Tennis Club. June has given so much of her time and energy, instilling family values and community minded spirit throughout the district and club.
June has coached the junior players for over 40 years, morning and evening, giving up her time for the sport and community she loves.
Her nurturing and encouragement of not only the younger players but getting all players, young and old to ‘have a go’, get involved, her motto is ‘It matters not of you win or lose, but how you play the game´ instilling age old values and court etiquette from a young age, in the minds of over 400 players that she has coached.
June always wanted more for the juniors than just playing tennis by organising club events, tournaments, and fun activities. She made sure that each and every child was involved (including younger siblings), then as those younger siblings were older she would welcome them into the tennis family as Junior Players. June always organised BBQ’s after tournaments and practices to keep the community spirit involved. Melbourne Cup day always included the traditional and highly popular “Snail Cup” race.
June has been an active office bearer or committee member of the Edi Upper Tennis Club over the last 46 years. During that time she has helped gain funding for the club for various things from shading to mowers and together with the Edi Upper Recreation Committee, a major extension to the hall, a playground and Lights for 2 courts.
June also has arranged fundraising events for the club including Mystery Bus trips, Discos, progressive dinners, Mystery Town Quiz’s. June was also instrumental in the celebrations for the Edi Upper Tennis Clubs 40th Anniversary which attracted many of the past players and was a great event for everyone involved.
Congratulations June, and thank you for your contribution to tennis in Victoria.