30 November 2018 | Tennis Victoria

Community Clubs Victoria (CCV) is an industry association representing the needs of Victorian community clubs of all shapes and sizes. Members vary from small volunteer-based sporting clubs through to very large clubs with multi-million dollar turnovers. Tennis Victoria (TV) advises that the arrangements that have existed since 2015 whereby affiliated volunteer operated clubs are automatically considered non-voting members of CCV is coming to an end as at 31st December 2018. The full entitlements (see here) of those arrangements will be ceasing as of that date.
However, CCV has generously offered to all TV affiliate clubs* the opportunity to attend governance training sessions at member rates until 30th June 2019. In addition, TV affiliate clubs also have been provided a special annual ‘TV rate’ of $60 + GST pa to continue to remain a member of CCV, from 1st Jan 2019. If your club wishes to remain a member, please contact CCV directly at ccv@ccv.net.au or on 03 8851 4900 to arrange.
(*Please note this does not apply to Larger Tennis Clubs with staff to whom CCV also provide on-line IR/HR support and deal on their behalf with Fair Work (Registered Organisations Commission), the VCGLR (the Regulator) on Liquor Licencing and other matters such as food safety, dispute resolution etc.)
The predominant use tennis clubs have made of the CCV membership has been to receive advice regarding governance issues, and also to access discounted governance training. TV is currently looking into different options as to how this, and enhanced governance support, education and training is provided to affiliated TV clubs in the future.