24 September 2020 | Tennis Victoria

The Victoria UTR Series, a new and exciting opportunity for competitive match play is coming to regional Victoria, beginning the first weekend of September school holidays.
The Series will utilise the Universal Tennis Rating (UTR), a rating system that allows skill level based competition and encourages fair play.
With Australian Ranking Tournaments on hold as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, players in regional areas are keen to return to the courts to compete.
Players will go head to head in a round robin draw, using the UTR ‘Fast4’ scoring format where players will adhere to playing:
- First to 4 games
- Play lets
- No ad scoring
- Tiebreaker at 3 games all
Each venue will strictly follow Victorian Government and Tennis Victoria Community Tennis Guidelines, where physical distancing, stringent hygiene and safety precautions will be in place.
“We are excited to be launching the Victoria UTR Series, and recommencing competitive play for junior athletes in regional Victoria,” Tennis Victoria Tournament and Events Coordinator, Shelly Hart said.
“All tennis players, from social players to professionals, can use their Universal Tennis Rating to measure their competitive ability.
“Plenty of clubs were eager to get on board and run these events after a challenging few months with restrictions.
“We are looking forward to bringing the Victoria UTR Series events to Melbourne when permitted to do so.”
Victoria UTR Series Events Calendar
September 26th | September 29th | October 2nd | October 4th |
McEwen Reserve TC | Bendigo | Grovedale TC | Castlemaine Lawn TC |
Grovedale TC | Sale TC | Bairnsdale TC | |
Traralgon TA | Shepparton Lawn TC | Shepparton Lawn TC | |
McEwen Reserve TC | Mt Prospect District TA | Ballarat Regional TC | |
Wodonga Tennis Centre |
View and enter upcoming events at app.myutr.com/clubs/10703
For more information the UTR system, please visit tennis.com.au/vic/players/universal-tennis-rating