
5 November 2021 | Tennis Victoria

Major upgrade works completed as part of the Point Lonsdale Tennis Club Improvement Program were officially opened to the public during a ceremony held earlier today.
With major funding for the project first announced in October 2018, extensive improvement works have recently concluded at the club. Upgraded, more accessible clubrooms have been the centrepiece of the renovation, which have also included resurfacing two courts, and new LED lighting and poles for the remaining courts. Also installed is an online membership and court booking system, which the club notes has led to a 54% increase in court usage. Peter Callahan, President of the Point Lonsdale Tennis Club, officially invited members and visitors to try the new facilities during the ceremony.
“With our extensive renovations now complete, there’s never been a better time to try a hit of tennis at the Point Lonsdale Tennis Club,” Mr Callahan said. “I want to thank our funding partners for their support in delivering these outstanding new facilities, and acknowledge the hard work of our members and past committees over many years who have made these improvements possible.”
Officially opening the project, Member for Bellarine Lisa Neville said the Victorian Government was proud to invest in community sport. “From socially connecting local residents, to encouraging and facilitating recreational activity, clubs like the Point Lonsdale Tennis Club are vital to the health and well being of a local community,” said Minister Neville. “I am pleased to be officially opening the new facilities on behalf of the State Government and commend the club on their untiring efforts.”
The project was supported by $250,000 of funding from the Victorian Government, $53,177 from the Point Lonsdale Tennis Club, and $46,000 from Tennis Australia. The Borough of Queenscliffe provided $30,000 of project funding, as well as project management for the upgrade works. Mayor Ross Ebbels said the project was a real team effort between all the funding partners.
“Combining the local expertise of club members with the funding support of government has helped us deliver an outstanding result for the Point Lonsdale Tennis Club,” said Cr Ebbels. “I want to congratulate the club, and I’m looking forward to joining members for some tennis this summer.”
More information about the project, including images of the new clubrooms and upgraded courts, is available on Council’s website.