17 November 2021 | Tennis Victoria

The Summer of Tennis is just around the corner, and more vouchers to help pay for sporting equipment, uniforms and memberships are on offer for young Victorians to lap up more activity.
Applications for the third round of the $21 million Get Active Kids Voucher Program will close on November 30 – there’s never been a better time to apply!
For the first time kids under four are eligible, as well as recipients in previous rounds, meaning young Victorians can continue playing sports throughout the year.
To be eligible, kids need to be aged 0 to 18, a Victorian resident, named on a valid Commonwealth Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card and named on a valid Medicare Card at the time of application.
The program also provides a special consideration stream to support temporary or provisional visa holders, undocumented migrants and international students aged up to 18 years at the time of application.
Eligible expenditure dates (for membership, uniform and equipment costs) in round three are from 1 January 2021 – 30 November 2021.
Applications close at 5pm on Tuesday 30 November 2021. To apply or for more information, click here.
For other grant opportunities, please click here.