
14 February 2022 | Tennis Victoria

It’s FARA Day on Day 1 and the FARA Australia team are in Swan Hill for Country Week.

The Friedreich Ataxia Research Association (FARA Australia) is a not for profit organisation that raises funds to support research into treatments and a cure for Friedreich Ataxia (FA). FA is a rare, inherited, genetic condition that causes progressive damage to the nervous system, resulting in symptoms which include muscle weakness, loss of balance and coordination (ataxia), speech problems and heart disease. It effects about 1 in every 30,000 people in Australia. Symptoms usually begin between the ages of 5 to 15, with the first usually being frequent tripping or an unsteady walk. Balance and coordination continue to decline over time, and most people will require the aid of a wheelchair within 10 years of symptoms beginning. Muscle weakness effects speech and swallowing and makes every day tasks such as writing, dressing, cooking and eating more and more difficult. FARA Australia are dedicated to funding research to help slow or halt the progression of FA and hopefully one day find a cure for this devastating disease.

Lend Us Some Muscle Global Challenge 2022
This May, we are asking you to Flex for FA! That’s right. Lend. Us. Some. Muscle! Then share the innovative ways you are flexing your muscles by posting vision of your bicep curls – you can lift a tin of beans, your dog or your 50kg dumbbell - whatever your ability. No matter what your level of fitness or ability, set yourself a goal, keep your body moving and your muscles flexing. Make sure you challenge some friends to join you and flex for FA.

Register your Tennis Club, team or as an individual here:

Don’t forget to share your videos or pictures with our Lend Us Some Muscle community. Simply flex your muscles and use the hashtags #lusm2022 #imflexingforfa. Follow all the Flexing on Instagram and Facebook @LEND_US_SOME_MUSCLE. Our goal is to keep the global FA community connected and show our support to people living with FA around the world.