
15 September 2022 | Tennis Victoria

Traralgon locals will have the chance to rub shoulders with some of the world’s best tennis players when the Latrobe City Traralgon International hits town from 13-27 November 2022 at Traralgon Tennis Association.

Players, including some of the world’s best rising stars from Australia and across the globe, will compete for USD$100,000 in prize money and valuable world ranking points.

With support from the Latrobe City Council, Traralgon is a popular spot on the tennis calendar, and has regularly played host to key Australian Open lead in events for juniors and players looking to gain valuable court time in Australia ahead of the years’ first Grand Slam.

Latrobe City Council Mayor Kellie O’Callaghan was proud to see the tournaments would be hosted in Traralgon, “We cannot wait to welcome tennis players from across the globe to battle it out at the Latrobe City Traralgon International this November. Latrobe City has positioned itself as a premium sporting hub and is pleased the Australian Pro Tour has recognised our region,” said Cr Kellie O’Callaghan.

Tournament Schedule:
• 13-20 November: Latrobe City Traralgon International #1
o ITF World Tennis Tour Men’s $25k and ITF World Tennis Tour Women’s $25k

• 20-27 November: Latrobe City Traralgon International #2
o ITF World Tennis Tour Men’s $25k and ITF World Tennis Tour Women’s $25k

The fields for the event will be revealed in early November.

“The Traralgon Tennis Association is excited to hold these two Pro Tour Events,” said Susie Grumley, Manager Traralgon Tennis Association.

“These events are a wonderful pathway for player development, and enables players to come to the Club, train and play matches for two weeks, giving them valuable experience in our great region.

“The community embraces these events and it’s lovely to be able to give them the opportunity to be a part of the tournaments, and experience some high quality tennis locally.

We are really looking forward to supporting Tennis Australia and the Pro Tour Circuit,” Grumley continued.
Tennis Australia’s Pro Tour Manager Fiona Luscombe also thanked the region for their ongoing support,” We are extremely grateful for the support of Latrobe City Council, Traralgon Tennis Association and the community for their support to be able to host these events.

“We have a longstanding relationship with Traralgon, hosting ATP80 Challenger events for more than 9 years, and have seen esteemed players Max Purcell, Jordan Thompson, Luke Saville and Matt Ebden take out titles here in the past, along with rising stars and the elite juniors of the game.

“We are looking forward to hosting another great season of events and welcoming the local community down to enjoy,” Luscombe added.

The Latrobe City Traralgon International will take place at Traralgon Tennis Association from 13-20 November and 20-27 November. Spectator entry is free.