
27 November 2022 | Tennis Victoria

Congratulations to Brian Harris from East Camberwell Tennis Club who was recently awarded a Tennis Service Award by Tennis Victoria.

Brian first joined the Committee of East Camberwell Tennis Club in 1999 and is the equal longest serving Club President from 2000 to 2006 and then 2011 to 2015. He has continued in his role on the Committee as a General Member.

He has been involved at the club for 42 years, including his time as a player.

A legacy of Brian’s time at the club includes the capital improvements to the facility, the most significant being the construction of courts 7 and 8 in conjunction with neighboring Camberwell High School.

His legacy with the club also includes increased membership and improving financial strength of the club.

Brian was presented with his Tennis Service Award by Club Development Officer Kyle McMullan (pictured).

Congratulations Brian and thank you for your contribution to tennis in Victoria.

If you’d like to nominate someone from your club or association for a Tennis Service Award, read how to do that here.