
17 January 2023 | Tennis Victoria

Lewis Murray is a ballkid at this year’s Australian Open from Castlemaine, Central Victoria!

Lewis has had a massive January already, starting off by representing Loddon Campaspe at the 2023 Tennis Victoria Inter-regional Country Championships at Yarrawonga Lawn Tennis Club and winning the 14/U Boys Singles Title and a finalist in the 14/U Doubles.

Throughout the Australian Open, Lewis is a ball kid and pictured here with Rhys Bergman in 2022, the two will complete their second AO in 2023.

Lewis and Rhys were the first two Indigenous Ballkids at the AO last year. This year, there is a dedicated pathway through the First Nations Ballkid program with 14 First Nations Ballkids across Australia taking part.

Additionally, Lewis was named the 14/U National Indigenous Champion in August 2022 in Darwin at the National Indigenous Tennis Carnival!

Lewis is excited to be part of the 2023 Australian Open  “It is really exciting to be a First Nations Ballkid for the 2023 AO because I get to give balls to my favourite players and see how they hit such a good ball”.

“Some of my highlights being a Ballkid are probably making new friends, watching my favorite players close up and getting to bond with the fellow First Nations Ballkids”

You’ll find Lewis in the Ballkid team from 9am to 6pm each day, Ballkids are required to be on court for 45 minutes before having a 45 minute break, then back to it again.

Enjoy the AO, Lewis!
