
21 January 2023 | Tennis Victoria

Jason Yap is a qualified tennis coach and personal trainer and has extensive experience in these fields for over 6 years. He has developed a passion for tennis since he first picked up a racket at the early age of 5. He has played tennis for over 20 years at the local, state and international levels. He has spent time training at the Australian Institute of Sport and competed on the ITF junior circuit traveling around the globe competing against the world’s best reaching a highest ranking of Top 5 in Australia.

As a recipient of a tennis scholarship from the University of Utah he graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Sport Science with a minor in Communication. Whilst representing the University of Utah for tennis, he was ranked in the top 40 for doubles in the United States of America.

When Jason came back to Australia, Jason got certified as a coach. After feeling burn out as a player, Jason fell in love with the coaching side of tennis and has continued ever since.

Throughout Jason’s playing career by having many coaches over the years, it helped Jason form his coaching style.

“I have chosen all the best qualities out of the coaches that I liked and I implemented that to become the best coach that I can be for my kids.”

Jason was running his coaching business through the Boroondara Tennis Club, however, unfortunately due to the construction on the North East Link, it forced the closure of the club. Jason had to think about what his next move was, and the opportunity came up to coach in Sale.

Jason made the decision to make the move from Melbourne to Sale to pursue the opportunity at the Sale Tennis Club through his business Grand Slam Fitness.

Meeting with Robin Lowe and the committee at the Sale Tennis Club, Jason refers to the meeting as a “matchmade in heaven.”

“They are really supportive and have trusted me to build a program and it’s firing at the moment.”

When coaching in Sale, Jason is away from his family; his wife and two children (2 and 3 yrs) which is a struggle. Eventually, he hopes they can move there permanently but until then, he is taking it one term at a time.

Kids On Court on Rod Laver Arena, Day 2 of the 2023 Australian Open at Melbourne Park, Tuesday, January 17, 2023. MANDATORY PHOTO CREDIT Tennis Australia/ ROB PREZIOSO

“I really want to stay in Sale and build a community and Tennis program out there and we are well on the way already and we have a bit of momentum going. We [his family] love Sale and it’s a really great community out there and it’s a great place to raise a family.”

Since Jason’s move to Sale, he has implemented a pathway from four all the way up until when you are an adult. Jason has ensured there is a Hot Shots program and Cardio Tennis program at the Sale Tennis Club for the first time.

“I’m setting quite high standards for the kids. I live by the three f’s; I’m all about being fun firm and fair. I think if you live by those f’s as a coach then I don’t think you can go wrong.”

“My main goal for the kids there is to help them improve obviously but the main thing is that I want them to leave the court with a smile on their face and having a good experience that they play the game for the rest of their life.”

Jason had his Kids on Court at Rod Laver earlier in the week, which will be a memory that lasts a lifetime.
