
8 February 2023 | Tennis Victoria

Gail Scott implemented an All Abilities program 22 years ago at the South Gisborne Tennis Club which is still running today.

The program in the form of weekly tennis lessons is directed by Gail for people with disabilities. There is also the opportunity for the program to be conducted through schools, Disability services and private lessons.

As part of Tennis Victoria’s partnership with Government House and our patron, the Victorian Governor Linda Dessau, we invite participants of our ACE Grants for a Government House experience, including a guided tour and hit on the lawn tennis courts.

The South Gisborne Tennis Club has been a previous participant of our ACE Grants, and last week came down to visit Government House.

Gail believes the program has many positive impacts on the participants.

“They’re looking after their health, improving wellbeing, upskilling and they are thinking about different areas of getting fit.”

“Playing sport is a wonderful thing, your endorphins kick in and it makes them happy.”

Gail has brought down her participants from the All Abilities group in the past, who were lucky enough to have a hit on the lawn tennis courts at Government House.

For Gail, seeing the participants learn and develop in a fun environment is why she does what she does.

“Watching their facial expressions when a ball connects to a racquet and the expressions of happiness of being with all their friends and meeting other people is priceless. The infectious nature of people who just want to have a go is extremely special.”

“They are put in charge of what they want to do and they never ever miss a lesson, even if It’s raining, and that to me makes me happy.”

If you want to learn more about South Gisborne Tennis Club’s All Abilities program, visit: