
7 March 2023 | Tennis Victoria

Burden Park Tennis Club has recently undergone a major upgrade to its facilities. This upgrade included converting their en-tous-cas courts to mod-grass, extending the courts surface to meet Australian standards, new LED lighting, fencing and landscaping. The $1.18M project was largely funded by the Victorian State Government with a significant contribution from the City of Greater Dandenong council and the Club itself.

The State Government funding was obtained through the Sports & Recreation infrastructure grants. All sporting clubs in the City of Greater Dandenong were invited by the council to submit detailed proposals for up-grades of their facilities.

Three worthy proposals were then submitted to the State Government for consideration and a limited number of projects from all over the state were subsequently approved to receive funding. Fortunately, Burden Park’s proposal was accepted in the second round of grants. 

The 6 sparkling new courts have been generating considerable interest from the local community and memberships and court hire have been growing steadily. 

Congratulations to Burden Park Tennis Club on their successful grant application and enjoy the upgraded courts!