
31 March 2023 | Tennis Victoria

Tennis Victoria is proud to launch our Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) for 2023.

Our purpose is to create safe, inclusive and thriving Victorian tennis communities, enabling more people to play more often. Our RAP will be integral in our strategic objective of creating safe and inclusive opportunities for all to participate in tennis, both on and off the court.

Since 2018, Tennis Victoria has developed a collaborative partnership with Anglicare Victoria’s Aboriginal Youth Leadership Academy, Buldau Yioohgen. Anglicare works with children, young people and families to prevent harm, and empower people to overcome challengers and achieve their full potential.

Tennis Victoria launched the RAP last week at Darrango Yan-dhan alongside Buldau Yioohgen’s Senior Cultural Operations Lead and Wurundjeri Elder, Auntie Kelly Hunter, proud Wamba Wamba Man Uncle Ron Murray, proud Wiradjuri Man and Anglicare Victoria’s Cultural Engagement Advisor with Buldau Yioohgen Uncle Les Corlett, Tennis Victoria Inclusion Lead Danni Lowerson, Tennis Victoria CEO Adam Crameri, Tennis Victoria President Jacqui Pirone and Program Manager with Anglicare Victoria’s Buldau Yioohgen David Laws.

Danni Lowerson believes launching the Reflect Reconciliation Plan is extremely important into the work that goes on at Tennis Victoria across all areas of the organisation.

“Tennis Victoria will be taking an active role and responsibility in reconciliation and the work that will go into the RAP going forward.”

“It’s something that goes across the whole organisation. You will continue to see this come through our work as part of what we do, it is part of everyone’s job.”

To read the full RAP, click here.