
9 May 2023 | Tennis Victoria

Victorian tennis players will be taking on The Push-Up Challenge this Pennant season!

The Push-Up Challenge is Australia’s largest mental health and fitness event. Running from 1 to 23 June, the aim is to do a prescribed number of push-ups per day, and have a lot of fun while doing it. If push-ups aren’t your thing, alternative exercises are also welcomed, and you can also aim for half of the overall target as well.

Melbourne Pennant Push-Up Challenge Round will take place 3-4 June, and we would love to see as many players, teams and clubs get involved.

To get started, please follow the below steps:

➡ Head to The Push-Up Challenge website and select ‘Register’
Select ‘Join Team’
Fill in your details as prompted
When asked to join a team, enter your club name to register for your club
Complete your registration and see your club appear on the Tennis Victoria Push-Up Challenge page

If you have any questions on the registration process, please email Sean at [email protected]

Community Engagement Awards

We are excited to announce that $500 Community Engagement Awards will be awarded to 3 Pennant clubs! Awards will be distributed as follows: One award will go to the Club with the most participants in the Challenge

Two awards will go to the Clubs with the most creative photo/video demonstrating active involvement in the Challenge

Photos and videos must be completed and sent through during The Push-Up Challenge Themed Round on 3-4 June. To send, tag @tennisvic on Instagram or Tennis Victoria on Facebook. All participants shown in the photo/video must be registered and actively involved in The Push-Up Challenge.

To sign up for The Push-Up Challenge, please visit The Push-Up Challenge website and consult the above steps.

If you have any questions regarding The Push-Up Challenge or Community Engagement Awards, please get in touch.