
13 July 2023 | Tennis Victoria

Tennis Australia/Scott Barbour

The National Blind and Low Vision Championships commences Friday 14 and plays through to Sunday 16 July at the National Tennis Centre, Melbourne Park.

Blind and Low Vision tennis is played with an adapted foam ball that can be heard rattling across the court. The courts are also smaller with lines on the court raised to mark certain boundaries.

There are four classifications in the Blind and Low Vision tennis pathway. These are:

  • B1 – Visual acuity poorer than LogMAR 2.60
  • B2 – Visual acuity ranging from LogMAR 1.50 to 2.60 (inclusive)
  • B3 – Visual acuity ranging from LogMAR 1.0 to 1.40 (inclusive) OR visual fields less than 10 degrees diameter and visual acuity better than 0.5 (B4)
  • B4 – Visual acuity ranging from LogMAR 0.5 to 0.9 (inclusive) OR visual fields less than 40 degrees diameter and visual acuity better than 0.5.

Australia’s top Blind and Low Vision (BLV) tennis players have been selected for the upcoming IBSA World Games in Birmingham, United Kingdom when they get underway from Friday 18 to Sunday 27 August 2023.

Congratulations to Victorian’s Ross Patterson, Adam Fayed, and Phoebe David who have been selected.

The 2023 International Blind Sports Federation (IBSA) World Games is the largest high-level international event for athletes with a visual impairment and will debut tennis for the first time this year.

The 11-person team will be the largest tennis team at the IBSA World Games and will mark the first time Tennis Australia has supported a Blind and Low Vision Tennis Team at an international event. See below for the full team.

The Games return this year after a seven-year hiatus due to Covid-19 interruptions to the four-yearly event schedule. More than 1250 competitors expected from 70 nations will play across sports such as tennis, goalball, judo, cricket and more.

2023 International Blind Sports Federation (IBSA) World Games – Australian Team

Name State Australian ranking
Mark Haskett SA B2 Singles – #1
B2 Open Doubles – #1
B3 Men’s Singles – #4
B3 Open Doubles – #17
Mick Leigh NSW B3 Men’s Singles – #1
B3 Open Doubles – #2
B4 Open Singles – #3
B4 Open Doubles – #1
Ross Patterson Vic B4 Open Singles – #1
B4 Open Doubles – #3
Arato Katsuda-Green NSW B4 Open Singles – #1
B4 Open Doubles – #3
Junior Singles (Mixed classification) – #1
Adam Fayad VIC B3 Open Doubles – #1
Ricky Segura SA B3 Open Doubles – #10


Name Suburb Australian ranking
Courtney Webeck NSW B2 Singles – #1
B2 Open Doubles – #2
B3 Open Doubles – #6
Courtney Lewis  SA B2 Singles – #2
B2 Open Doubles – #2
B3 Open Doubles – #8
Grace Hobbs NSW B4 Open Singles – #6
B4 Open Doubles – #1
Phoebe David Vic B3 Singles – #2
B3 Open Doubles – #7
Summer Giddings NSW N/A