
23 August 2023 | Tennis Victoria

From 1 September all players added to teams will be required to have a Competitive Player Profile. These changes affects every player that participates in a league using League Manager/Match Centre, so please make sure you are taking action using the resources and suggested action steps below:

Resources on the Associations Webpage

Tennis Victoria are using the top of the Associations webpage to store resources to help guide your players through this process. We have created a one-page fact sheet document for competition providers with some of the basics for how to create a CPP, the benefits of creating one for providers and players, and a tip for leagues to embed creating a CPP into their league registration process.

There is also a link to the Tennis Australia step-by-step video guides showing the CPP creation process to make it simple to understand for players and parents, as well as the links for players to merge any duplicate profiles. We also have two sizes of a flyer that can be printed or used electronically, which has a QR code that links to the process for creating a CPP.

We also ran an online session that covered the benefits of all players having a CPP, the process for creating a CPP, and how clubs and associations can get their players to create one. Click here to view the video recording.


  • Understand how to pull the Club Player Details report under Organisation Management from League Manager (guide on the fact sheet on the Associations webpage)
  • Contact those players that need to complete part or all of the CPP from that report with the correct links from the step-by-step video guides
  • Make it clear in communications to players that this is a requirement to play, but they only need to do this process once, unlike most sports that require online registration every season
  • Clubs should hold a session in person if necessary for those that have not completed their CPP
  • Associations can request for an in-person training session for their clubs from Associations Manager, Tyler Krumholz

Questions and Support

Please contact Tyler Krumholz, Associations Manager at Tennis Victoria: [email protected]