
About ClubSpark

ClubSpark is a digital solution designed to simplify your club’s admin duties and provide players with easy access to tennis activities. Used by thousands of tennis clubs around the world, ClubSpark can manage your website, court bookings, memberships and events while helping to attract new players and retain existing players.

ClubSpark makes it easier for consumers to find, access and participate in tennis – more easily and more often. As a leading participation platform for tennis, ClubSpark provides tools to help manage club operations, helping to increase participation and club visibility as well as reduce volunteer workload.

Key outcomes:

  • Drive participation
  • Help manage club operations
  • Help clubs engage with new and existing players
  • Digitalise current offerings and integrate new products or campaigns
  • Reduce club administration and volunteer burden
  • Deliver a quality experience for the consumer

To hear more about some WA clubs’ experiences with ClubSpark, watch the video below.

To learn more or get started please get in touch with the relevant contact:

Tennis Participation Manager – North: Kay-Leigh Nicholas –

Tennis Participation Manager – South: Marisa Gianotti –

Head of Tennis Development & Participation: Rob Kennedy –