
30 December 2011 | Tennis West

Following Michael Robertson’s appointment as Tennis West CEO last September, the process began to find a successor for his role as the National Academy – Perth Head Coach. A coach has been found! Adam Carey will be the National Coach for Perth next year and will lead the program in to its 4th year of operation. Adam was born and raised in Australia however he has spent the past 10 years in America where he has forged his career. Prior to his recent WA appointment Adam was the Director of Tennis at Andre Agassi’s charitable foundation, and also the Lorenzi Tennis Club in Las Vegas. He will officially commence his role on January 9, 2012.

In other staffing movements Callum Beale has taken on the newly created position with Tennis Australia titled ‘Coach & Talent Development Manager – WA’. Similarly a replacement needed to be sourced. Andrew Roberts who has spent the past 3 years as a Tennis West employee working within Player Development pathway has accepted the position of National Academy Manager. Fortunately all players are familiar with Andrew which will help to ensure players do not lose any traction with their development. Andrew will commence on the same day as Adam in the new year.