
4 January 2012 | Tennis West

“Tennis is very much in the media spotlight and I thought I should take this opportunity to correct some of the inaccuracies in recent stories about the future of the Hopman Cup.

“It is disappointing that some wish to wrongly portray Tennis Australia’s interest as an attempt to damage the event or even move it away from Perth.

“First of all, the ITF owns the Hopman Cup. The ITF has decided to review the management rights and indeed, the ITF will make the decision.

“Tennis Australia has expressed interest in the management rights as we have a view that the Hopman Cup is an integral part of the lead up to the Australian Open and an important component in increasing participation in tennis.

“We will not move the Hopman Cup from Perth.  It is well supported by the West Australian public and the West Australian Government and will be further enhanced by next year’s move to a new venue.

“The ITF has said publicly the time is right to review the management rights. Tennis Australia believes the time is right to fully integrate the event into the sport of tennis and ensure the maximum value for the sport and Western Australia.

“There is no conflict of interest in Tennis Australia managing the event.

“Tennis Australia already manages major events at the same time in Sydney and Hobart in the week leading up to the Australian Open.

“In fact Tennis Australia’s strategy is to have major events in each of the major cities in Australia because we know that properly run and fully integrated with the sport at all levels they are a great means to help grow participation in tennis.

“Growing participation in tennis throughout Australia is what we are about as the benefits for the community are substantial. The actual events also benefit from growing participation because we know from experience that a large section of people who attend these terrific events are tennis players themselves. So it is a pretty straightforward equation. The event generates interest, exposure and indeed participation and then the increased participation helps grow the event and soon and so on.

“Should Tennis Australia be successful with our submission to obtain the management rights of the Hopman Cup we will work with the ITF, Tennis West and the West Australian Government to ensure the long term viability and growth of the Hopman Cup in Perth while leveraging the event to help also further the growth of tennis in the west –just as we do for our other events in the AO Series.

“This is a terrific opportunity for tennis. Our interest is in growing the game and the profile of our great sport. Suggestions that Tennis Australia would harm the Hopman Cup or move it away from Perth could not be further from the truth.”

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For further media information please contact:

Prue Ryan, Tennis Australia, Tel: 0419 309 369