
28 August 2013 | Tennis West

Tennis West encourage you to take part in a survey conducted by Rippa Sports in conjunction with the Department of Sport and Recreation and the State Sporting Association.

 In this survey we want to know about the barriers as well as the motivations you have towards your membership with your sporting association.

 Your feedback will help to grow the participation benefits you receive from engaging with your sporting association and your sport.

 The survey should take only 15 minutes to complete. Please answer truthfully, your answers will remain anonymous and your association will not be given any details of your individual responses.

Click here to complete the survey if you are currently a member of the State Sporting Association .

Click here to complete the survey if you play/participate, but are not a member of the State Sporting Association .

If you have any questions regarding the survey, please contact the research administrator, Holly Thompson, on [email protected] or call 08 6304 5519.