
2 October 2013 | Tennis West


Players from across the world will descend on Gosford NSW from October 1st to October 13th 2013 to compete in the ITF circuit swing. The tour, consisting of two level 5 international tournaments, will pitch some of Australia’s best young talent against players from across the globe. State coach Len Cannell will travel with the group consisting of players from the National and State Academies in Western Australia.

 The players attending the event are:

Scott Jones – National Academy
Jack Lyttle – National Academy
Sara Stikic – State Academy
Olivia Rimmer – State Academy/ Wembley Downs
Gurkawal Kaur Bajal – State Academy
Lachie Casey – State Academy
Megan Kauffman – State Academy/ Wembley Downs
Tallulah Grauaug – State Academy

We wish all players the very best this week.