
8 February 2014 | Tennis West

2014-01-13 07.48.54

Twenty one students from John Forrest Secondary College Specialist Tennis Program went on a 7 Day Australian Open Tour.

The tour included Beach Tennis at Port Melbourne, Luna Park, Eureka Sky Deck, The Ice Bar, Royal Tennis and Indoor Tennis in Ballarat (the largest indoor tennis centre in Australia).

The students went to three day sessions, two night sessions in the Rod Laver Arena at the Australian Open and had a chance to see the world’s best players in action.

One of the highlights of the Australian Open was when the students were involved in two on court demonstrations of ‘High School Cardio Tennis’ on the Margaret Court Arena as part of the pre match entertainment.

On the Friday demonstration of cardio tennis, to the students’ and crowds’ delight, Thanasi Kokkinakis joined in and had a hit and a photo with the students.

The students’ enthusiasm never waived, even though they were exposed to extreme temperatures of above 40 degrees during 5 days of the tour. It was a fantastic tour and will be something that the students and travelling staff will remember for a lifetime