
23 May 2014 | Tennis West


Six new coaches graduated successfully from Tennis Australia’s Community Coaching Course which took place on the 23rd, 24th, 28th & 29th April at the State Tennis Centre.  The Tennis Australia Community Coaching Course is designed to train coaches to develop the skills of junior tennis players with a focus on the ANZ Tennis Hot Shots program.

Many of the participants on the course were juniors that played at their own local club and were encouraged by the head coach and club committee to attend the course.  Clubs Investing in growing their own coaches not only provides the start of a succession plan for the sustainability of a programme, but also assists in retaining more juniors to stay within tennis and therefore within the club.

Newly qualified Community coaches can support higher qualified coaches in the delivery of the programme. They can help assist on the club program, school visits, competition, holiday camps and with promotional events. They have taken the first step on the coaching career pathway; providing them with the opportunity to improve their own knowledge and potentially progress their coaching career.

What is involved in the Community Coaching Course

The Community Coaching course is a 4 day assessed course that trains participants to assist qualified coaches and coach groups of Hot Shots players. The minimum age for the Community Coaching Course is currently 16 years of age.

Through Tennis Australia’s collaboration with the Registered Training Organisation (RTO) Smart Connection Training, course participants are able to enrol with Smart Connection Training to undertake the Community Coaching course as a nationally recognised qualification.

How can clubs benefit?

A great way to get young people, students, parents and adults qualified to assist in the club programme; offering them the opportunity to climb the first step of the coaching journey to a possible career in tennis. Allows for growth of the programme without having to appoint a qualified Junior Development Coach or Club Coach.  Relieves the pressure on head coaches and club volunteers to run Hot Shot programmes & competition.