
9 January 2019 | Tennis West

The State Tennis Centre will be hosting the Women’s Perth International Pro Tour Event from 18-24 February 2019.

Not only do these highly anticipated events offer you the chance to watch international top 200 players compete (free of charge), but also present you with the chance to be a volunteer to support the players and share in the events success!

There are numerous roles on offer, including (but not limited to):

  • Ground Staff – Volunteers to assist with the match court set-up and pack down each day; court upkeep during the week and match court water replenishment throughout the week
  • Court Services – To control the delivery of drinks and ice to match courts as requested by chair umpires or players
  • Courtesy Mini Bus/Car Drivers – To drive the players and tournament staff to and from the hotel and venue on a shuttle basis.

For more information please contact Sue Kingston at Tennis West on (08) 6462 8310 or

Click here to download the Volunteer Registration Form