17 February 2020 | Tennis West

Having never stepped foot on the courts of the Donnybrook Tennis Club before, born and bred local resident, Luke Hingston, is now the latest advocate for the game, and Tennis Australia’s all new social tennis format, Open Court Sessions.
With no intention of joining in, Luke went along to his first Open Court Session in thongs, purely as a spectator. But it didn’t take long before the twenty four year old local was on court barefoot and enjoying all the fun of the new social tennis format. And the truth is, he hasn’t looked back.
Joining Donnybrook locals of all ages and abilities, Luke says what he enjoyed most about the new social tennis format, was that the key measure of success was not whether you could hit a ball properly, but whether you had fun.
‘Open Court Sessions is a great transition to having a go at tennis,’
‘Other than hitting a ball for my dog, I’d never really hit a tennis ball before and to be honest, before heading along to Open Court Sessions with my partner, I’d really never even thought too much about tennis. I’d never even been to the club,’
‘But I like to do social stuff around town, and to meet with the locals and have a meal, so it turned out really well and I had a lot of fun,’
‘I’ve got a mate that plays a bit, so we’ve now been meeting at the courts for a hit during the week. I’m not ready to join a team just yet, but I’m definitely enjoying having a hit,’ Luke said.
Donnybrook Open Court Sessions Host, and local fitness instructor, Karis Aplin, says the program is perfect for people who have never played before or who are looking to get back out on court.
‘Open Court Sessions gives your traditional social tennis a whole new look. It’s relaxed and fun and is proving really important in breaking down barriers to people giving tennis a go for the first time, and for those coming back to tennis after some time away from the courts,’
“Encouragement is what people need. It’s a teaser to take it further and continue to play at the club,’
‘It’s a good laugh and there’s a really good energy out on court which is making it easier for people wanting to try tennis or come back to tennis after some time away,’
‘And the best part is, people tend to stick around once the session is finished. They have a drink and something to eat and then some even head back out on court for another hit,’ Karis said.
Hitting up more than 1000 clubs across the country, and some 87 clubs throughout regional and metropolitan WA, Open Court Sessions introduces tennis with a contemporary twist. There’s no longer the need to join a club, sign up for lessons or commit to a weekly competition.
Instead players can participate in a range of dynamic tennis activities, putting a spin on the traditional game with entertaining new formats and a variety of equipment. All skill levels are welcome and can join in the fun with no strings attached.
Open Court Sessions are run by enthusiastic hosts who keep things moving and ensure the fun rolls along on and off the court. All equipment is provided and you can come alone or with a group of friends. Each session includes a range of activities, with time for socialising off the court just as important as the time spent hitting a ball.
Open Court Sessions, along with Cardio Tennis and Court Hire ensure there’s the perfect tennis offering for everyone who’s keen to jump on court and have a hit.
Donnybrook Tennis Club is set to host the next Open Court Session on Friday 21 February. Arrival at 5:00 pm for a 5:15 pm start. More information can be found at play.tennis.com.au or watch the Open Court Sessions