
27 April 2020 | Tennis West

The WA Government have recently updated their Closure and Restriction (Limit the Spread) Directions to cautiously relax social gathering restrictions from Monday 27 April


Based on these new Directions, and the capacity of our clubs and coaches to be able to effectively regulate and monitor gathering restrictions and social distancing measures at their facility, Tennis West is making the following recommendations for those clubs and coaches who have decided to re-open:


  • Singles & Doubles Play is now permitted
  • Small Group Coaching is now permitted (max of 4 students on court with one coach, may be on multiple courts if alternate courts are used)


Adhere to v5 of the Community Tennis Guidelines for Continued Play , particularly in regards to the following points:

  • Clubhouses & Change Rooms are to remain closed and toilets should remain for emergency use only
  • Where practical, use every second court or ensure there is suitable distance (minimum 10 metres between different groups)
  • Leave gates ajar during opening hours so players don’t need to touch handles to enter. If using Book a Court, provide sanitising facilities at the gate for cleaning each time the pin pad and gate is used, and put a notice up to this effect. Ensure that all touch points and surfaces and cleaned and sanitized regularly
  • No sharing or hiring of equipment
  • No socializing or loitering at the club before or after play
  • Keep 1.5 metres away from other people and avoid body contact (ie. Handshakes/high fives)
  • Payments to be made online or via EFTPOS – avoid handling cash
  • Clubs should monitor numbers through an Administrator/Manager or via a Booking System


It is important to note, that if your Local Council has shut down your facility, the club is to remain closed until you are given permission to re-open from the Council.


It has never been more important for Clubs to engage in open dialogue with their Coaches and Councils as we navigate the potential, gradual reopening of our sport. As the government continues to relax their Directions it is important to remember when updating your club guidelines and communicating to your participants, that these opportunities come with a responsibility to ensure that we as a tennis community adhere to the guidelines to keep our players and the wider community safe.


Should you have any questions or would like any clarification on what these amendments mean for you, please do not hesitate to contact our Coach Development Manager, Sheridan Adams, or your club’s Regional Tennis Manager. Their details are listed below: