
14 May 2020 | Tennis West

As previously advised, under the State Government’s COVID-19 WA Road Map, from 18 May, Phase 2 conditions will be applied to WA Communities, which will allow for further relaxation of Community Tennis Guidelines, and the introduction of Intra-club (Internal) competitions.


Tennis West will support the tennis community with Internal Competition options, followed by a delayed Winter League, to get players back on court and enjoying the health benefits of our sport in a phased approach, whilst respecting the social distancing practices needed to prevent an outbreak of COVID-19.

The new competitions structure has 2 Stages:

Stage 1: Internal Competition

The Competition Builder feature in League Manager allows clubs to organize play while controlling and recording attendance, which is a key criteria for the authorities, to allow tracking should an outbreak occur. The TW League team are ready to assist clubs with setup and management.

Club League Coordinators are likely the most familiar with League Manager and the software is designed for Club Users with “walk me” / Guidance features.

Fact Sheets are available via this link for the following Internal Competition Formats:

1. Challenge Ladders

  • Juniors, afternoons and Sunday mornings, managed by coaches, using timeslots allocated to groups of players up to 20
  • Adults, weeknights and weekends, using a court booking system, options of singles or doubles to sign up online. Court numbers are restricted to adhere to the 20 person limit

2. Flex Leagues, using pre-determined court availability

3. Modified Club Championships (using Tournament Planner)

  • Adult round robins spread over a number of weeks and scheduled according to court availability


For Clubs wishing to charge their members a fee to participate, the system allows for online payment in order to avoid cash handling.




Stage 2: Winter Tennis League

Proposed 9-round season for both Junior and Adult teams:

Below is the proposed Calendar, however please note this is subject to change based on COVID-Restrictions.

Club team numbers may be limited in accordance with COVID-19 Safety Plans to control court availability and venue attendance, monitor the 4sqm rules, and Hygiene Protocols in place.

Please note that there will be no tournaments during July school holidays, but Leagues will be played during this time

Close Nominations Mid-June
Complete Grading Third week of June
Complete Fixtures End June
Round 1 begins First Saturday in July
Summer League Entries Open Mid August
Round 7 complete Third week of August
Finals (top 4 & lower 4) End August to beginning September
Backup weeks Beginning September to mid-September
Summer League Entries close Mid September
Summer League Fixtures published Second week October
Club Open Days Third Saturday October
Summer League – Round 1 Fourth Saturday October


If you have any questions, or would like any assistance in setting up an Internal Competition at your club, please reach out to your club’s Participation Leaders or Loretta & Chris in the Competitions Team: