Phase 3 of the State Government’s COVID-19 WA Roadmap will take effect on Saturday 6 June. Based on the easing of government restrictions, Tennis West has made adjustments to the Community Tennis Guidelines for Continued Play.
Click here for the Community Tennis Guidelines for Continued Play v8.
Points of Note:
Please note the following important changes and recommendations under the new Community Tennis Guidelines which reflect the State Government restrictions:
- Previous restrictions on coaching participant limits have been removed
- Previous restrictions on limits per court have been removed
- Previous restrictions on court spacing have been removed
- Clubrooms can re-open but must comply with gathering restrictions which require at least 2 square metres per person, up to a maximum of 100 patrons per single undivided space, up to 300 patrons per venue. Meals can be served as can alcoholic beverages without a meal. Patrons must be seated while consuming alcohol. Patrons should practice physical distancing by keeping 1.5 metres from patrons from other households.
- Changerooms, Toilets and shower facilities will be able to open, but should be cleaned regularly and thoroughly.
- As under the previous phase, outdoor sporting facilities including ovals or multi-court venues will be able to be zoned, provided a maximum cumulative limit of 300 persons per outdoor facility is maintained and there is 2sqm of space per person
- Venues with both indoor and outdoor components have a cumulative limit of 300 persons in total – which is again contingent on the 2sqm of space per person rule being met
- Each Venue must prepare a COVID Safety Plan and display a COVID Safety Plan Certificate.. We also strongly recommend that all key personnel undertake the free Infection Control Courses
- If your club operates a café, canteen or bar service, all staff and volunteers operating that service need to complete the free AHA Hospitality Hygiene Course
- Maintain attendance records (inc. contact details) or anyone who attends the club for the purpose of contract tracing. We also suggest you encourage all members, court hirers and coaching participants to download the COVID-Safe App
Tennis West Recommendation
Tennis West acknowledges that every club is different, particularly in regards to their financial and/or volunteer capacity to regularly clean facilities to the appropriate standard, monitor numbers and maintain attendance records. Therefore if your club feels as though they are not in a position to manage any of the changes detailed above, we strongly recommend that you continue under the “Get in, Play, Get Out” Model of operating and do not open your clubhouses or allow social gatherings of any kind.
Winter Tennis League
With Winter League Commencing in a few weeks, it is important to note that Winter formats have been adapted to enable compliance with the social distancing and hygiene restrictions. The key message we are still enforcing is “Get In, Play, Get Out”. Whilst we want you to enjoy your time on court with your teammates, off-court socialising should be avoided.
The requirement to have a register of players at sporting venues is facilitated through the online League Scorecard System via League Manager & Match Centre which record the team lists and players attendance at clubs.
Club & Coach Resources:
To assist clubs with the transition into Phase 3 of eased restrictions, the following resources are available to our clubs:
- Healthy Hitting Tips
- Social Media Video & Photo – A Return to Tennis Photo and Video featuring Todd Woodbridge & John Fitzgerald, for your clubs to share on Social Media.
- A Media Release template about the re-opening of your club
- Phase 3 COVID Safety Plan Guidelines
- Phase 3 COVID Safety Plan Template
More Information
- WA Government FAQs for Sport & Recreation
- COVID Safety Plan & Guideline for Sport & Recreation Venues
- Tennis West Resources / Documents & Guidelines
Should you have any questions, please contact your club’s Regional Tennis Manager or Coach Development Manager. Their details are below:
- Sheridan Adams – Coach Development Manager – adams@tennis.com.au / 0435 260 787
- Rob Kennedy – Regional Tennis Manager (Metro North) – kennedy@tennis.com.au / 0468 589 157
- Michelle Magdy – Regional Tennis Manager (Metro South) – mmagdy@tennis.com.au / 0438 135 833
- Greg Wood – Regional Tennis Lead (WA South) – gwood@tennis.com.au / 0474 360 496
- Craig Vinci – Regional Tennis Lead (WA North) – cvinci@tennis.com.au / 0437 796 587
Thank you for your ongoing support and patience, and we look forward to seeing the return of tennis to our WA community in a safe and responsible manner.