Message from Tennis West CEO, Michael Roberts:
Regarding the 2020 WA Tennis Industry Awards Night –
In the middle of the “lockdown” period we were required to make a decision on whether or not we would proceed with Tennis West’s Industry Awards Night. With the uncertainty facing us we made the difficult decision to cancel the Awards event for 2020. Obviously this is very disappointing, as the event has gained considerable momentum over the past few years being held at such a great venue in Optus Stadium. It has been a great night to honour the individual and club achievements over the previous 12 months and the number of applications received had been growing year on year, highlighting the amount of great work that many clubs are undertaking.
Not only is the night a great opportunity to celebrate tennis in WA, it is also a great night to socialize with the tennis family. However as a result of the global pandemic and the financial implications this has borne, the decision was made to prioritize the recovery of our clubs and our sport over the coming months.
Tennis West will be looking at how we can celebrate the sport and also provide a social opportunity for Clubs to come together, and will communicate this in due course.
Please continue to keep in touch with the team at Tennis West.
Michael Roberts,
CEO – Tennis West