2024 Tennis Seniors Australia National Teams Carnival
Nominations are now open for the 2024 Tennis Seniors Australia National Teams Carnival to be held in Hobart, Tasmania during 14-19 January 2024.
The majority of play will be on synthetic grass, but a small amount of hardcourts and synthetic clay may be used, depending on the number of entries received.
The Carnival is contested each year by all Australian states, and sometimes other countries who may enter.
The Tennis Seniors Australia National Teams Carnival commences on Sunday evening with an Official Opening Ceremony and Welcoming Function. Play commences Monday morning.
The Tennis Seniors Australia National Teams Carnival week consists of friendly but competitive interstate rivalry and provides ample opportunity to make new acquaintances. Western Australia will also host a “State Dinner” on the Tuesday night.
Teams of between four and eight players can be organised by players, or you can enter individually or as part of a team, and Tennis West in conjunction with Tennis Seniors WA, will endeavour to complete your team.
You will compete in up to two time slots per day, with each fixture timed and lasting up to two and a half hours. All play is doubles. You can introduce two new players if you have a team of 6-8 but only 6 can play in each match.
Age groups are defined in five- or ten-year increments depending upon the number of entries.
To be eligible to participate in any age group, a player shall have reached the minimum age limit by 31st December of the year in which the competition is held.
Round robin play continues from Monday to Thursday, with semi-finals and finals played on the Friday. The week culminates with a Presentation Dinner Dance on the Friday night.
Should you choose to remain in Hobart for the ITF MT1000 Individual Championships, play will not commence until the Sunday or Monday following.
All players who nominate for the 2024 Tennis Seniors Australia Teams Carnival will receive complimentary 2024 membership to Tennis Seniors WA.