
12 October 2023 | Tennis West

After careful consideration and consultation with a cross section of the tennis community the decision has been made to move the Annual Tennis West Awards Night to the end of the summer season.

This decision was reached after a thorough review and a comprehensive analysis of the Tennis calendar. It was widely agreed that hosting the awards night at the end of the season offers more advantages and aligns better with the overall tennis schedule.

The awards night is scheduled for Friday, May 3, 2024.

The Tennis West Awards Night will remain centered on celebrating the season that was, recognising outstanding tennis achievements from the season, and fostering greater engagement among clubs and the broader tennis community.

Calendar Considerations: By moving the Awards Night to May (2024), it will provide a more suitable slot in the tennis calendar to properly recognise the winners of the summer season. This timing allows us to celebrate the achievements of the past season with a natural conclusion. In future years the awards night will fluctuate between the end of April and the beginning of May.

Club Championships: Tennis West is committed to reinvigorate your Club Championships and the Champ of Champs tournament. By shifting the awards night to May the Champ of Champs event will be the final event on the summer season calendar.

Recognition at Conclusion of Season: The awards night will remain in the same format and will continue to recognise the winning teams, the champion performances and the great clubs, volunteers, schools and umpires, making it the culmination of the entire summer season.

Extended Judging Period: For this year, the the awards will be judged based on performances from July 1, 2022, to March 31, 2024, allowing for a more comprehensive assessment of achievements. Post this year the judging period will realign to April 1 – March 31.

Nomination Period: The nomination period for this year has also been adjusted, opening shortly after Australia Day and closing at the end of March.

Please mark your calendars with the new date, Friday, May 3, 2024, and stay tuned for further details regarding the event. We look forward to coming together to celebrate the achievements of our tennis community.