
27 May 2024 | Tennis West

Members of the North Participation team from Tennis West headed up north recently to the Kimberley region to engage with schools, clubs, parents and local government.

This trip had 3 main focus areas –

  • Promote Tennis within remote communities.
  • Connect schools to the local club.
  • Promote registrations for the upcoming National Indigenous Tennis Carnival (NITC) which is being held in Darwin in August.

The Tennis West team delivered school tennis programs to over 200 students across 3 schools, delivered activations to one local tennis club for club members and the local community, ran a red ball competition, hosted a parent volunteer coach upskilling session, and promoted the NITC to indigenous students aged 12-18.

“One thing we strive to achieve at Tennis West is to reach every Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries region (DLGSC) once a year to connect with our affiliated clubs and school within the local community. With the focus areas being to encourage transition from schools to the club, get some face to face engagement with the local club, and promote the NITC, we can confidently say the roadshow was an overwhelmingly positive experience with incredible engagement and participation from the local communities. We look forward to getting back out there again next year!”  Said our North Tennis Development Lead, Kay-Leigh Nicholas.

Day 1 –

The North Participation flew from Perth to Kununurra on Sunday 12th May 24, 2024.

Day 2 –

The team visited East Kimberley College for a full day of activations across all of the year groups. Once the school day was completed, from 4pm – 4:30pm the team met with the Kununurra Tennis Club, before hosting a Parent/Coach Upskill session from 4:30pm-5:30pm. These sessions can allow volunteers and parents who aren’t an accredited coach, to have the skills and knowledge needed to coach kids the basics of tennis.

Day 3 –

Day 3 started at the Kununurra Tennis Club, where the East Kimberley College participated in a Red Ball Competition from 8:30am – 2pm. Sticking around at the Kununurra Tennis Club, a coaching session was held from 4pm-6pm for Club Juniors. After this to finish off the day,  an Adult Cardio Tennis session was held from 6pm-7pm. These cardio sessions are a great way for all ages and abilities to be involved in Tennis. They are a fantastic entry point for people wanting to learn the basic skills and improve their overall fitness.

Day 4 –  

Wednesday started with an early drive to Halls Creek, located around 3.5 hours south-west of Kununurra. From 10am – 2pm, the team ran school activations for the Warlawurru Catholic School. This included 2 separate sessions for the groups. After this the team drove to Warmun, 1.5 hours north on the way back to Kununurra, where they would stay the night in preparation for the fifth day.

Day 5 –

Day 5 kicked off with a full school day of activations at the Ngalangangpum School for the students. After this, the final tennis session of the trip was a Community Come & Try Session from 2:30-4:30pm for the Warmun community. Yet more driving was coming though, as they headed all the way back to Kununurra, where they would stay the night, to fly back to Perth the next morning.