
20 October 2024 | Tennis West

Tennis West has recently streamlined the Code of Behaviour Competitive Play incident reporting process to align with Tennis Australia’s Integrity priorities and National policies. This new approach will ensure consistency in management, streamlined investigation processes, and more efficient systems for acknowledging reports and addressing breaches of national policies.

Megan Allen, Tennis West’s dedicated Integrity Lead, will manage these incidents in collaboration with Tennis Australia’s Integrity and Compliance Unit (TAICU). Through this partnership, Megan will ensure all reports are handled according to Tennis Australia’s National Policies, which can be found here.

The Integrity Lead, Member Association Panel, and TAICU will decide on matters that do not directly breach Tennis Australia’s national policies but may warrant further disciplinary action from Tennis West.

This new reporting mechanism will ensure the collection of relevant integrity data, providing opportunities to determine necessary workshops and club educational needs. While not all reports will require investigations, all will be formally recorded in our system. Historical reports will be considered as relevant prior history if future complaints involve the same respondent(s).


Commitment to Integrity and Values

In striving for:

– A safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment for all people at all levels

– Achieving fair and honest sporting performance and outcomes to maintain public confidence in the sport’s results

– Ensuring tennis is played, coached, officiated, and administered in the right “spirit”

We encourage everyone to report behaviours inconsistent with tennis values and potential breaches of our Code of Behaviour to ensure Tennis is a sport that can be enjoyed by all.

You can access further detail on the reporting process here: Managing Code of Behaviour Competitive Play reporting

Tennis West Code of Behaviour Reporting Form

You can also access all of this information in the future by visiting the PLAYERS tab on the Tennis West website.