Zone Squads
Zone Squads are an important step on the Player Development Pathway by providing opportunities for talented players to come together to train in a competitive environment.
Players and their families have the chance to access many opportunities through Zone Squads including networking, education, training, match play, strength and conditioning, competition support and assistance in navigating the tennis pathway from competitions to college programs.
They also provide an opportunity for players to be considered for selection in State Development Squads.
WA Metro Zone Squads
Dalkeith Tennis Club – John Thorpe
Blue Gum Park Tennis Club – Dan Sewell
State Tennis Centre – Marisa Gianotti
If you would like to learn more or are interested in signing up for a Zone Squad in your area, please check with your private coach and discuss with them how being involved in Zone Squad opportunities could be a great addition to your current tennis schedule.
For more information, please contact Talent Operations Manager WA Mitchell Pleydell on